Archives for Applications - Page 4
What is diazinon?
Diazinon is an insecticide that belongs to a group of chemicals known as organophosphates. Diazinon is used in agriculture to control insects on fruit,...
Diazinon kills birds and fish
Diazinon has been linked to hundreds of bird kills and has caused the second largest number of known incidents of bird mortality of any...
Diazinon Poses a Risk to Pacific Salmon
Runoff of diazinon has reached unsafe levels in Northwest watersheds creating a threat to salmon populations. Diazinon interferes with juvenile Chinook salmon’s ability to...
Diazinon can Pollute Surface and Ground Water
Diazinon is the most frequently detected insecticide in US Geologic Survey’s National Ambient Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program. It is found in 24 states...
Public Health Statement for Diazinon
This Public Health Statement is the summary chapter from the Toxicological Profile for Diazinon. It is one in a series of Public Health Statements...
Enhancement of diazinon degradation and chemical analysis of metabolites
IN THIS study, Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain GH2NO8 showed effective activity in Diazinon degradation. This bacterial strain was able to degrade of Diazinon as...
Degradation of pesticides diazinon and diazoxon by phosphotriesterase
Enzymatic hydrolysis by phosphotriesterase (PTE) is one of the most effective ways of degrading organophosphorus pesticides, but the catalytic efficiency depends on the structural...
The Fate of Diazinon Applied to Thatched Turf
Diazinon (0,0-diethyl-0-(2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-primidinyl) phosphorothioate) is widely used to control turfgrass insect pests. Poor control of soil-inhabiting insects has been found where Diazinon has been applied...
Diazinon Toxicity, Fate and Transport and Environmental Impact
Environmental contamination by pesticides is one of the problems of recent decades in the world. The consumption of pesticides in agriculture has intensified since...
Diazinon Reduction in the Feather and Sacramento Rivers
Water quality in nine watersheds within the Lower Sacramento Basin in California’s Central Valley has been improved using the watershed approach to control pesticide...