Archives for Applications - Page 7
What are some signs and symptoms from a brief exposure to diazinon?
Diazinon exposure affects the nervous system of insects, people, and pets in the same basic way. However, the signs and symptoms from exposure may...
Is there a medical test to determine whether I have been exposed to diazinon?
Since Diazinon is only used in agricultural settings, the main way in which the general public could be exposed is through eating food treated...
How can families reduce the risk of exposure to diazinon?
Cautions for those who live in agricultural areas People who live near agricultural areas where Diazinon is still used should stay away from the...
How can diazinon enter and leave my body?
Diazinon that gets inside the body by being eaten, breathed in, or getting it on the skin, is rapidly transported around the body in...
What happens to diazinon when it enters the environment?
Diazinon may enter the environment from agricultural and household application of the chemical to control insects. After Diazinon has been applied, it may be...